Start September 4 – October – climax November 3-5 10.
Congress of Psychology at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” 2023

Last year: Orchestrating Change ORCHESTRATING CHANGE A film by Margie Friedman and Barbara Multer-Wellin
Start September 4 – October – climax November 3-5 10. Congress of Psychology at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” 2023
Filmmaking as psychotherapy: THE MOVIE OF MY LIFE
Most films do not exceed a duration of 30 minutes and will be subtitled in English or Bulgarian. Each of the screenwriters gives a short introduction of about 3 minutes to their film. It highlights the psychotherapeutic effects he has felt on himself and those around him from his involvement in the filmmaking process thus far! We offer the following guide for the entering screenwriter: As a result of my involvement in the filmmaking process, I have come to realize that the following has happened to me and others: /about 3 min./
September 2023 START 04.09.18:00 in the Facebook group FB
PSYCHOLOGICAL FILM FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL – PSYCHOLOGICAL FILM FESTIVAL Here there will be a special ZOOM link through which you can watch and participate in the festival. Please click this ZOOM link below here. Click on the blue letters and signs and you will immediately, directly join the sessions of the Festival, which are every Monday from 18:00 to 22:00. The room will be open every Monday from 17:30 and during the 10th Jubilee International Congress of Psychology November 3-5, 2023.
04. September, Monday, Session #1 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. via ZOOM on Facebook
Opening and update of the project for the Fourth International Psychological Film Festival. Organising Committee. Presentation of the Internal Jury.
First film from 18:30 to 20:00 Screenwriter and author Rumen Rachev: “Inspirer”
It is dedicated to Prof. Leon Levi and the psychologists from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” English subtitles
Second film from 20:00 to 22:00 Screenwriter and author Rumen Rachev “The film that programmed my life” Dedicated to Associate Professor Tsani Tsanev and all psychologists and psychotherapists from this and the new generations after
+ English subtitles
September 11, Monday, Session #2 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Presentation of the Internal Jury
Third film until 20:00 Screenwriter Maya Rahneva “The first personal choices” –
Fourth film until 22:00 Screenwriter Kristina Vorontsova “Is this love?”
September 18, Monday, Session #3 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Presentation of the Internal Jury of Making movies as psychotherapy
Fifth film until 20:00 Screenwriter and co-author Magdalena Pyuskuleva “One song is enough” + English subtitles
Sixth film until 22:00 Screenwriter Yuri Popov “Genesis”
October 2023
02 October, Monday, Session #4 from 18:00 to 20:00
Presentation of the Seventh film with discussion, analysis and evaluation of the film
Screenwriter Desislava Nikolova “Sick Love”
Presentation of the Eighth film with discussion, analysis and evaluation of the film
Screenwriter Maria Jigreva “The Contragambit”
October 9, Monday, Session #5 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Presentation of the Ninth film with discussion, analysis and evaluation of the film
Screenwriter Maria Kovacheva “The Illuminated Center of Gravity” + English subtitles and
Introduction by Maria Kovacheva
Presentation of the Tenth film with discussion, analysis and evaluation of the film
Screenwriter and co-author Petya Staneva “I” + English subtitles
October 16, Monday, Session #6 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Introducing Eleventh Movie with Movie Discussion, Analysis and Rating
Authors: Adriana Marchione & Dianne Griffin
The Creative High Private Screener (75 Minutes) Trailer:
Introducing Twelfth Movie with Movie Discussion, Analysis and Rating
23. October, Monday, Session #7 FAVORITES starting from 18:00 to 22:00
HE! News: The film with the most points so far from the Internal Jury is nominated in secret without the title of the film being made public for the winner of the Grand Prize transitional statuette “Togetherness”!
The next three films with the most points go to first, second and third place ranked by the Specialized International Jury!
Monday 23 October FAVORITES Session #7 from 18:00 to 22:00
Presentation of the three films with the most points before the Specialized International Jury! No marks are given here by the members of this Jury! Only the movies are commented on, by everyone! The members of this International Jury will make their evaluations public in the next session during the 10th Congress of Psychology at SU.
30. October Monday Session #8 PREPARATION / Dress rehearsal / for the culminating final session of the laureates and the ceremony of awarding people with contributions to the Festival during the 10th Congress at Sofia University!
November 2022
November 3-5, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Session #9 PSYCHOLOGY Congress at Sofia University starting from /see. Congress program for the day and time/
Presentation of the Internal Jury and presentation of the certificates
/ NB! We ask each screenwriter and VJ member to share: How, in his opinion, participation in the filmmaking process has had a psychotherapeutic influence and effect on his personality and on others. We offer the following guideline for the entering screenwriter: As a result of my involvement in the filmmaking process, I have realized that the following has happened to me and others: A 3 min speech, after which a short clip of his film will be shown. Total duration 5 min./
Presentation of the Specialized International Jury
Awarding with Special Awards to our and foreign films.
Presentation of three favorite films to determine third, second and first place from Spec. International Jury
Announcement of the ranking for third, second and first place by Spec. International Jury
NB! Announcing the winner of the transitional UNITY Grand Prize – this award is determined by the film with the most points from the Internal Jury, before the Favorites session and is announced publicly ONLY now at this moment, as a surprise to everyone!
Presentation of the transitional Grand Award “J. L. MORENO” for contribution to the process of the Psychological International Film Festival and psychology, arts and mental health in our country and in the world.
Closing and announcing the topic for the next Psychological Film Festival!
November 13, Monday, Summary – Session No. 9 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Summary, analysis and new perspectives session of the Organizing Committee of the next Psychological Film Festival
Establishing a process for determining evaluation criteria.
The criteria for analysis and evaluation of the film to be evaluated
Inside the Filmmaking psychotherapists Jury:
1. Evaluation of the script (1 – I don’t like it; 10 – highly impactful);
2. Evaluation of the choice of visualization / visual materials, films, videos, photos, etc. / for psychotherapeutic interpretation of the scenario; (with 1 being an unsuccessful choice, 10 being the most appropriate);
3. Evaluation of the musical impact / choice of music, song, melody, audio effects, soundtrack, etc. / for interpreting the scenario (1 – unsuccessful; 10 – successful);
4. Evaluation of the overall impact of the newly created film on the voter
/1 – no impact; 10 – strong impact).
Each member of the Internal Jury is entitled to one vote.
Note: This schedule is preliminary. Substitutions can only be made after prior arrangement with the fellow screenwriter and his express consent, as well as after the informed consent of the author and the Filmmaking Psychotherapist. The exchange will be valid only after the Schedule change has been made public in the internal closed FB group and the Psychological Film Festival FB group by the compiler.
Participation for all in the Psychological Film Festival is free and free, subject to good tone and ethical norms in the arts and psychological science. We are expecting you. Welcome!
The schedule was compiled by: Rumen Rachev